Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Its been a while since I last posted. We have actually been pretty busy the past few weeks. So here it goes...

It has been 5 weeks since I had my surgery. I have still not been released to go back to work and needless to say I am very ready to go back. I have been going to physical therapy twice a week in an effort to regain my range of motion and my strength. My therapist seems to think that I am doing very well. The only thing that my doctor is worried about is the fluid that is on my knee and the swelling. For the most part it has been feeling pretty good...until today. For some reason I have been a pretty good bit of pain. I don't know why but I hope that I feel better tomorrow because I have physical therapy. But over all I am doing well. I go back to the doctor on November 5. So I hope he will say that I can go back to work then.

Chaz has gone back to work. He was in Opelika, Alabama for 3 weeks. He has got to come home the past 2 weekends to that's always nice. This week he is Bainbridge. I'm not sure how long he will be there. He says that it is very boring for the most part because pretty much all he does is just sit there and wait for something to happen. But at least he is getting paid for it! haha.

School is going good for me. This is my 4th week and so far everything is moving along smoothly. I just hope that it will stay that way once I go back to work and don't have as much time to do school work.

This past Sunday was mine and Chaz's 1 year anniversary! I cant believe that it has already been a year! We spent a lovely weekend together. Saturday night we went and had a lovely dinner at The Melting Pot in Duluth. It was so good. I love that place. Then on Sunday we didn't really do a whole lot. We just spent the day together. We ate our wedding cake, which was delicious I might add. Chaz said that it wasn't bad for year old cake! haha. We also had some wine that we had bought in Helen on our honeymoon to have with our cake on our anniversary. I am so lucky to have such a wonderful husband! I cant wait to spend many many more amazing years with him.

Well I guess that's pretty much it for now!!

Saturday, October 03, 2009


It has been a long week this week. Chaz left Monday to go to Alabama to work. He was supposed to get to come home today but he has to stay for at least another week. The man that he is covering for had to have surgery and has not been released to come back to work so Chaz has to stay there until he can come back, which will probably be another week or so. Then once he is done there he will go straight to Bainbridge. I'm not sure how long he will be there but it will probably be a few weeks. Also it is now official that he will be going to Spain as soon as that job starts which will more than likely be before the end of the year. There is also still a possibility that he will be going to California. And there is a good chance that he will be going to Ireland in March. So it sounds like he will be busy and not home for any extended amount of time anytime soon :( I don't like that at all. But you have to do what you have to do to survive these days. But I am excited about him getting to work at all of these neat places because that means that I get to go visit him there. So I guess that means that I need to go get my passport soon :)

Here is an update on my knee: I went back to the doctor on the 1st. He has still not released me to go back to work because of the swelling and the fluid that is on my knee. I go back to see him on the 15th and if the fluid is not gone he is going to drain it : / I am not looking forward to that. Because from the way that he said he might have to drain it it sounded like he didn't think it was going to go away on its own. But he did say that this is a very common thing to have with this procedure. There is nothing that I can really do about it, it just has to go away by itself if it is going to. I have still been going to physical therapy 2 times a week. I think that it is helping because after my surgery I couldn't really bend my knee at all and now I can barely sit indian style and it is not to painful. So we are definitely making progress and my physical therapist is very pleased with my progress. I hope that after I go back to see my doctor that I will soon be well enough to go back to work. Because now that Chaz is gone and I just sit at home by myself a lot I get really bored. My Mamma does come over a lot and help me do stuff so that I'm not just here all day by myself. But I am still just ready to get out of the house and do stuff.

I started school on Monday. I haven't really done anything so far since it was only the first week all we did was just introduce ourselves. I think that it is probably going to be a long quarter but I know that I can do it. I am just looking forward to really getting started.

As for everyone else they are doing good. Bentley is wild as everything and Cam and Ellie are slowly learning how to play easy with him. At first they were scared of him but I think that they are pretty used to him now so that's good. Destiny and Reagan are doing good too. They just sleep in the garage on my Jeep most of the day. But now that it is getting nice and cool outside they like to sleep in the flower bed under the bushes. Reagan has also made friends with a cat that lives down the road. They like to sit in the driveway together and enjoy the weather. Harley and A-1 are doing good also. They are getting so big. Before Chaz left I was not able to go and feed them because of my knee. But now that he is gone it is my job to take care of them. I am glad to have that responsibility back because I love getting to see them and pet them. I just miss being able to wash and walk Harley because I am not allowed to do anything that I could hurt my knee doing, and playing with her is one of those things :( But hopefully I will be able to do it again soon.

So I guess that is pretty much all that has been going on. Nothing to exciting but I just thought that I would share :)