Me and Chaz have been wanting to buy a house ever since we got married but we have just been waiting for our lease to be up on our house that we live in now. So 2 weeks ago we finally did all of the paperwork and everything to get pre-approved for a loan because most real estate companies want you to be pre-approved before they will even show you any houses. So I faxed them the paperwork and the lady that I had been talking with had told me that she would find something out that Monday which was the 15th. Well we never heard anything. So I think it was Wednesday that she e-mailed me with a few questions and said that once she had the answers that she would be able to tell us a number on Thursday so I answered them and sent it back the same day. Thursday rolls around and we hear nothing and to make it all even better she is off on Fridays so that pushed it back to this past Monday... a week after we were supposed to have a number. So I got an e-mail Monday afternoon with a number and a very nice number at that! It was much more than we had expected and we were SOOO excited and started looking for houses Monday evening. We found a few that we were going to go ride by and look at on Tuesday before we called the realtors. Well needless to say that didnt happen... the lady was supposed to call me during my lunch break, so I didnt eat lunch and waited for her to call... well she never did! She ended up calling Chaz later that afternoon. While she was talking to him she found out that he is a 10-99 worker which basically means he is self employed, which if she would have called to confirm his employment she would have already known. Well obviously she didnt because she had no idea that he was!! So then she told him that since he was self-employed that we cant get a loan until he can prove that he has had that job for a year!! So she basically pre-approved us and then turned around and took it away because she didnt thoroughly check things out!! Needless to say I was LIVID!! I can NOT believe that she did that! It doesnt even make any since!! And on top of that she said that we couldnt get a FHA load because our credit scores were not high enough and people who are self employed cant get a FHA load!! Well that is all complete CRAP!! You only have to have 580 credit score and both of ours are in the 600's and it says that you can be self employed!! So that woman has NO freakin idea what in the world she is talking about!! It is just absolutely ridiculous!! I have a right mind to go and complain because she did not do her job very well!! Its all so aggravating because everybody else our age is getting loans and they dont have jobs that are any better that ours and our are better than a lot of theirs so I dont understand how that can get loans and we cant!! Im just so mad and aggravated with all of this crap. It just amazes me how everything seems to always go wrong for us. It seems like nothing ever goes in our favor. I just dont know. But I guess we are going to try to go somewhere else and see what they say because according to everything that I can find there is nothing that would make us not be able to get a FHA loan. So I guess just wish us luck that we can get all of this crap straightened out and be able to get a house sometime soon!!
Hopefully things will get better and start working in our favor. But for now we are just trying to stay positive :)
Hopefully things will get better and start working in our favor. But for now we are just trying to stay positive :)