Lilypie First Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Chaz is FINALLY home after 51 days! I am so glad that he is home! It feels like I have not seen him in forever. But I am so very glad that he is home and had a safe trip, despite a 3 hour layover in Charlotte. He will hopefully be going to Florida at the end of this month. I really hope he does because it will be close enough that I could go see him on the weekends if I wanted to. So we'll see.

On another note, my Nanny is doing very good! She was moved out of the CVICU yesterday and into a step-down room so thats good. So she had a long and stressful day yesterday but my Mamma said that she was doing much better today so thats really good! We are going to go see her tomorrow and I cant wait!

Well I guess this one is just going to have to be short and sweet because we are grilling out and I have to get everything started and go spend time with my hubby :)

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