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Saturday, September 12, 2009


I am only 1 day post-op right now but for the most part I am feeling okay. I had my surgery yesterday, 9.11.09 and 7:00am. Of course all I remember is getting my IV, talking to all of the doctors and going back to the operating room, then the next thing I knew I was in recovery. But anyway... now for the details. I had quite a few different things wrong once my surgeon got into my knee. My cruciate ligament was 4 times as big as it should be and was taking up the whole front of my knee so he took out most of it to make it the size that it should be. I also had a medial plaque shelf that he took out that should not have been there. He also removed some of the lining of my knee. He thinks that this should really help me because all of those things could have been causing me pain. He also told me that in the 25 years that he has been doing knee surgeries that he has never seen anything like mine... go figure. I guess I am just special. haha. So I am just really hoping and praying that this will help me. I think it should though. I am still in a pretty good bit of pain right now though, but the next day is always the worst day. I have just been taking my pain medicine every 4 hours and keeping it elevated, putting ice on it for one hour and then off for an hour, and only getting up to go to the bathroom. All of that is pretty hard for me to do because I don't like to be stuck inside on the couch. I also have to use crutches for a few days but I am doing good with them so far and actually using them. I tired to go outside earlier and sit on our bench but by the time I made it out there my foot was starting to swell and turn purple so Chaz made me come right back inside and back on the couch with my foot propped up. But I get to take all of my bandages off tonight so I am excited about that because they are starting to itch.

Now I am going to brag... on my amazing husband :) Chaz has been so wonderful! I don't know what I would do without him. He has been waiting on me hand and foot ever since we got home yesterday. He even got up with me in the middle of the night to help me get up and to the bathroom. Everything I have needed he has got for me. Including refilling my cup with juice every 30 minutes because my mouth and throat are still so dry from the anesthesia that I drink more than should be humanly possible. The he helps me get op to go to the bathroom ever 45 minutes to an hours because I drink so much. haha. And then putting on and taking the ice off of my knee every hour. He also gets me a snack every 4 hours so that I can take my pain medicine because I have to take it with food. And then on top of all of that he lets me watch whatever I want to watch on TV :) He also keeps me from doing the stuff that I'm not supposed to do because I am really bad about not obeying doctors orders when it involves me just laying on the couch and not being able to do anything for myself. I just really don't know what I would do without him. He is the best husband that I could have ever asked for! He is taking such good care of me. I love him soooooo much!

I have also had another little helper that has been helping his Daddy take care of me. Cam has been sleeping with me a lot since I got home. He is such a sweet little baby :) Here he is helping take care of Mommy a few hours after I got home.

He is such a good little helper :)

So hopefully I can be on a speedy road to recovery now and that I can be pain free after I am healed. So please continue to pray for me! And thank you to those who have already been praying for me throughout my long journey with my messed up knee :)

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